On 12th October 2023, the Office of the Dean of Students at the main campus organized a comprehensive orientation program for certificate and diploma students. The orientation program aimed at acclimating new students to the academic environment and the College's community. Dr. Faustine China, the Dean of Students, along with other officers from the Directorate of Student Services delivered vital insights during the orientation session. The program covered three key areas:

Adhering to Students' By-Laws: Dr. China emphasized the significance of adhering to the College's Students' By-Laws. He elaborated on various disciplinary offences, Importantly, he detailed the range of penalties applicable, which can extend from stern warnings to potential expulsion from the college for severe violations. Students were strongly cautioned to refrain from any actions that would contravene the Students' By-Laws and other college rules. Additionally, Dr. China provided valuable insights into the rights and obligations of students as outlined in the Students' By-Laws.

Campus Life Guidance: Students received guidance on how to navigate campus life safely and responsibly. They were advised to be vigilant about the security of their personal belongings and to exercise discernment when forming friendships. Dr. China emphasized the importance of making electronic purchases, such as mobile phones, from reputable and established shops in town, cautioning against acquiring such items from unknown individuals. Furthermore, he reminded them to take care of their health and that HIV/ AIDS are still a world threat so students have to take it seriously.

Academic Excellence: Dr. China encouraged students to channel their focus on their academic pursuits and to steer clear of distractions that might compromise their educational goals. He underscored the importance of responsibly exercising the freedoms that students enjoy while at the college.

In addition to Dr. China's guidance, Mr. Marco Stephano, the Principal Welfare Officer, The Principal Welfare Officer, Mr. Marco Stephano, urged students who had not secured on-campus accommodation to choose their off-campus hostels carefully. He also encouraged students with special talents to participate in various platforms available at CBE to showcase their skills. 
The orientation program provided freshers with essential knowledge and guidance, ensuring they embark on their academic journey at the College well-prepared, informed, and motivated. It is our collective aim to support and nurture these students throughout their educational endeavors, promoting both their academic success and personal development